There are many studies indicating the detrimental effects of an early spay or neuter. Our best recommendation for any companion pet is to wait until the dog is FULLY mature, which is around 2 years of age. Prior to this, early spay or neuter can negatively affect proper growth and development.
Spay/neuter of immature dogs delays the closure of the growth plates in bones, causing those bones to end up significantly longer than intact dogs or those spay/neutered after maturity.
It is easier for the owner to quickly sterilize the dog, rather than deal with a few heat cycles and/or ensuring that the dog isn’t loose created unplanned litters … but this temporary inconvenience does not outweigh the long term benefits of waiting for the health of your dog.
Please consider waiting to spay or neuter your companion until they are fully mature. The health of your dog depends on it!
For more information about early spay and neuter effects, please visit NAIA to learn more.